Operator: 911. Where is your emergency?
Rappl: [beeped out]
Operator: Phone number you're calling me from?
Rappl: [beeped out]
Operator: what's going on?
Rappl: umm.. My neighbor just came over and knocked on the door. She said her house is on f..fire and umm.. She's not got any clothes on. She's handcuffed.
Operator: she's handcuffed?
Rappl : Yes! Umm.. She's not got on..
Operator: Do you see flames or smoke?
Rappl: no I don't. She lives right across the street. She lives at [beeped out]
operator: she lives at.. Where?
Rappl: [beeped out] and I live on the corner of [beeped out] and she lives right across the street from me on the east, to the east of me.
Operator: Okay. And you don't see any flames or anything?
Rappl: no. [beeped out]
Rappl to Charlie Rogers: you say your house is on fire?
Rogers: yeahs
Rappl: she says yeah but I don't see any smoke or anything.
Operator: Okay well we're startin' everybody.
Rappl: Okay. I appreciate that.
Operator: Why is she wearing handcuffs can you ask her that?
Rappl: I… I don't know. umm.. Anyway, were standing out, We have a, I have a ramp on the east side of my house, we're standing out there and umm..
Operator: Okay. Is there anybody else in the house?
Rappl to Charlie Rogers: [come here, here puppy]… Charlie, is there anybody else in the house?
Rodgers: no. nobody's in the house.
Rappl: no, nobody's in the house. [Come here.] I'm trying to keep her dogs, there too. She's worried about her dogs.
Operator: so she lives alone there?
Rappl: uh-humm, yeah.
Rogers: sorry
Operator: So who put her in the handcuffs then?
Rappl: I don't know you want to talk to her?
Operator: yeah
Rappl: okay, go, just a minute.
Rogers: h. h. h. h. h. Hello,
operator: hello, are you okay?
Rogers: no n.no No
Operator: Okay what's going on? Why are you wearing handcuffs?
Rodgers: somebody broke into my house.
Operator: Somebody broke into your house. Is it on fire?
Rodgers: yes, yes, I saw them, I saw them light it on fire, and they cut me.
Operator: Okay.
Rogers: and I can't find my dogs.
operator: someone broke in, handcuffed you and cut you?
Rogers: yes, Sir! [sobbing]
operator: okay, we're going to get an ambulance there too Okay? Are you okay?
Rogers: I I I I don't need.. I mean.. yeah. [sobbing]
Operator: How long ago did they leave?
Rogers: just a few minutes ago. I I I couldn't see them.
Operator: you couldn't see them?
Rogers: no they were in my basement. I think…
Operator: were they wearing masks?
Rogers: I was sleeping. Yes, Sir.
Operator: Okay, how many men?
Rogers: Three..three..three
Operator: did you see them leave in a vehicle or anything?
Rogers: I didn't see anything. I just…
Operator: okay, I know I know it's hard. I'm sorry and I am just trying to get some information, I'm sorry. Try to calm down if you can. I know it's not easy. Okay?
Rogers: [sobbing]
Operator: There's nobody else in your house?
Rogers: Nobody's.. I live by myself with my dogs.
Operator: what is your name, ma'am?
Rogers: my name is Charlie Rogers. Sir, [sobbing]
Rogers: Sir, they did it because I'm g.g.gay. They kept saying…
Operator: they did this, they told you they did this because you are gay?
Rogers: yes. I performed with a little kid last weekend… at Pride… and they they… they… They said, they told me stay away from kids.[sobbing]
Rogers to her dogs: Tye.. No.. Tye.. No..[Dog's barking aggressively]
Rogers to arriving police: Nobody's inside.
Operator: is that a police officer?
Rogers: Yeah yeah.
Operator: hopefully they can get the handcuffs off of you.
Rogers: Okay okay it's a zip tie.
Operator: Oh it's a zip tie handcuff, Okay. well, they'll be able to get that off.
Rogers to arriving police: No one else's inside.
[Dog's barking aggressively]
Rogers: is that all?
Operator: Do you see an officer there? Charlie, Talk to him.
Rogers: Okay, bye.
Operator: all right. B'bye.
Rogers bye
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