Saturday, February 26, 2011

Billie Jean Dunn Responds to Child Porn Found in her House


Original RAW video

Tatro: Alright now, I kind of had some tough questions for you We just got affidavits released about the computer and everything. The memory stick that was confiscated and apparently according to the affidavits there was a bunch of pornographic stuff and deviant acts. What can you tell us about that?

BJD: umm.. I ha'n't seen any of it and I ha'n't got to talk to investigators yet, to find out what it is.  The computer wa'n't here, the memory stick was brought over here. That I've never used either them or looked at either them, so I don't know what was on it.

Tatro: The memory stick was brought over by who?

BJD: Shawn

Tatro: Is that Shawn's stuff, where is it coming from?

BJD: <Tongue click> Well the computer's not his, that memory stick was. And I don't know what was found on just that.

Tatro: And according to Sheriff Toombs, there is child porn on their and bestiality?

BJD: and I don't know anything about it. I don't have any facts yet are haven't got to talk to anybody yet. I heard the story come out this morning.

Tatro: So you don't know anything about what was on there?

BJD: no, I'm waiting for answers

Tatro: Would it surprise you if there's child porn on there?

BJD: yeah

Tatro:  Why?

BJD: That's, You just don't wanna be associated with that stuff or anybody who could've, I don't know how it would've got on there or I don't know what it is. So…

Tatro:  That kind of thing is not a typical nature for you or Shawn ?

BJD: no

Tatro:  and whose computer is it?

BJD: umm..I guess the one they took out of his mom's house and again I don't know what all was on that computer or who all has been on it either.

Tatro:  Does this come as a shock to you. How do you really feel about the findings?

BJD: It's definitely a shock. And I think I just need a lot of answers and a lot of things cleared up.

Tatro:  And to clear that up Are you going to ask. Shawn about it or the police about it. What are you going to do?

BJD:I've talked to him about it a little bit, I'll talk to Shawn about it more.  and probably talk to one of the investigators.

Tatro:  You said you talked to Shawn about it a little bit, what did he say? What did he say that.

BJD: <Tongue click> Of course he didn't put anything like that on there.

Tatro:  And so there was all kinds of weird stuff, shouldn't say weird, interesting stuff on there, do you think that can pertain to the case at all?


Tatro:  Are the findings on their are these things completely out of character for Shawn ?

BJD: It's definitely out of character for him. I've known him for a while, and I've never known him to be into anything like that, or we wouldn't have a relationship.

Tatro:  Overall, and just from what you've heard from the articles, from that kind of thing what are you feeling on everything?

BJD:umm.. It's a lot to take in. And like I said I still hadn't got to talk to  investigators about it. And I just want to find some truths, see what's really going on. I just don't know enough about it yet

Tatro:  You said you were gonna talk to Shawn a little bit more about it. What are you going to ask him?

BJD: umm.. I don't know. I know he's told me he hadn't put anything like that on that memory stick.

Tatro:  If it's not coming from him. Where could be coming from ?.

BJD: I don't know

Tatro:  The computer was found at his mom's house. You obviously don't want to say anything bad about anybody but I'm just wondering where it could come from, is that even typical?

BJD: No, I don't think it's typical for anybody I know well.

Tatro:  Do you think these findings could find us any closer to Hailey, or what happened?

BJD: No, I s.., I still think it has anything to do with Hailey.

Tatro:  You are pretty certain that the child porn bestiality that stuff has nothing to do with Shawn?

BJD: yes

Tatro:  why are you so confident on that?

BJD: umm.. just because I know him well

Tatro:  and he's not that type of person?

BJD: Right.

Tatro:  Tell us what kind of person is he?

BJD: umm.. He's nice.  He's kind. He's caring. I've certainly never seen anything like that in him.

Tatro: So to have these accusations of child porn have to be a lot to take in on how do you feel feel about that?

BJD: Pretty upset about it. Like I said I just got to talk to people and get things cleared up.

Tatro:  Is there anything else you want to say about the investigation, the latest findings, anything at all?

BJD: No, and there's still ha'n't been anything new about the investigation.

Tatro:  There was a memory card that was found in your bedroom, right?

BJD: yes.

Tatro:  Don't want to get into personal business or anything like that. But is that something that's common for you guys versus a complete shock to you?

BJD: I don't know what was on that one personally. I don't know what was on just that alone what was on the computer. I don't have any answers yet

Tatro: And so needless to say it's surprising to you ?

BJD: yeah

Tatro:  tell me just a little bit about that, tell me how much of a surprise it is to you ?

BJD: Well I just got a call from Nancy Grace's show this morning wanting to talk to me about it and I had to tell them the same thing. I had no clue about it.umm.. I called one of the law enforcement and they said they would be able to talk with me later on.

Tatro:  at this point there's just really nothing?

BJD: Right

Tatro:  Can you tell me just how surprising it is and just how out of character it is for both of you?

BJD: Of course it's just very out of character. And no, I had no idea. I still don't know what was found just on the memory stick so I really can't say how I feel about that .

Tatro: can you tell me just how shocking it is to kind of have these accusations out there ?

BJD: It's just really upsetting.

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